In Memory of Doctor Dahesh, the Beloved Guiding Prophet.

• He authored more than 150 books.

• His private library boasted over half a million volumes.

• His private art collection later became an acclaimed museum.

• His prophecies and miracles were attested by countless witnesses.

From what we have seen, it would appear as if space and time, along with everything we encounter are but an elaborate illusion created by our actions in this and other dimensions. Nothing happens without a reason. Life is a paradox where, on the one hand it seems as if we have free will, and on the other we are bound by fate. Try as we may, we shall never be able to break the Divine Code.

God is a force vast enough to embrace the heavens, yet humble enough to dwell within the heart.

Doctor Dahesh was God's emissary in the 20th Century.



"For the First of June"
Written and narrated by Zeina Haddad.

In April 2015, a Daheshist sister brought me an old cassette tape that Doctor Dahesh had sent to her family in the summer of 1977.

On that old recording, one could hear the voice of Ms. Zeina Haddad, daughter of Mrs. Marie Haddad, softly delivering an epic poem she had written on May 9, 1977, in French, in honor of Doctor Dahesh's birthday, which was recorded on June 1, 1977.

Her words and signature imagery inspired me to compose "The Dream of Dahesh," which acts as the backdrop for her delicate voice.

However, due to the age of the recording, plenty of audio restoration was required. And because it was impossible to completely suppress the background noise, I decided to create the illusion of a waterfall right at the beginning, hopefully resulting in a seamless, albeit less-than-perfect solution.

I hope you enjoy this presentation

Mario Henri Chakkour


April 9, 2010

A humble little film directed by Sandrine Atlchoukian in memory of Doctor Dahesh's passing on April 9, 1984. For the occasion, Sandrine (on piano and strings) and her sister Astrid (on flute) performed and produced an original composition by Mario Henri Chakkour titled "Lullaby in Blue."

April 9, 2012

A film directed by Sandrine Atlchoukian in memory of Doctor Dahesh's passing on April 9, 1984.
Music by Mario Henri Chakkour.


JANUARY 13, 2010:

"The Daheshist Calendar Converter "
(DCC) Beta Version 4:

This convenient application converts a
nearly-infinite amount of dates from the Gregorian calendar into their Daheshist equivalent. the DCC works with dates starting from January 1, -99999 (or 99999 B.C.) to December 31, 999999 (or 999999 A.D.)


June 1, 2009

— A Hundred Years Already —

(A Film by Sandrine Altchoukian)


Bright Star landed upon Earth a Hundred Years ago,

Beauty, Purity, Immensity of Love kneaded a Man,

Glory to God for This Gift, This Miracle, This Gem!

Would Humanity fathom the Power of This Gift?

Calmness and sweetness after the fury here below,

A Hundred Years already and what is left for us?

Bright Star illuminating our path, guiding our steps towards the best of ourselves . . .

Thank you for this revealed clarity,

Thank you for our Faith revived!

Let us Praise God, let us raise together a Prayer of Gratitude,

Thank you for life regained,

Thank you for the awakening,

Forgiveness . . . For so much pain endured to save our lost souls!

A Hundred Years already . . .

Like a breeze over the wings of the graceful butterflies,

Appeared for our delight,

Disappeared too soon, Ultimate Liberation from the hold of these terrestrial chains,

A Hundred Years ... A moment on Earth,

Bright Star always watching over us,

The rippling shimmers over water glowing fiery red tirelessly whisper Your Message to us,

A Hundred Years in an instant,

Glory to God for This Gift to Humanity on the First of June 1909 when Our Beloved Guiding Prophet was born on Earth,

Eternally present in our hearts, in our souls,

Bright Star dissipating the darkness of this world,

In unison, let us lift on this First of June 2009 a Prayer of profound thanks,

Hoping to always be worthy of this Divine Gift bestowed upon Humankind,

A Hundred Years already and for Eternity . . .


Pour le 1er Juin 2009

– Cent Ans Déjà –

(Un Film de Sandrine Altchoukian)

Astre Brillant atterri sur Terre voici de cela Cent ans,

Beauté, Pureté, Immensité de l’Amour fait Homme,

Gloire à Dieu pour Ce cadeau, Ce Miracle, Ce Joyau !

L’humanité comprend-elle la Puissance de Ce Don ?

Calme et douceur après la fureur d’ici-bas,

Cent ans déjà et que nous reste-il ?

Astre Brillant qui illumine notre chemin, guide nos pas vers le meilleur de nous-mêmes …

Merci pour la clarté dévoilée,

Merci pour notre Foi ravivée !

Louons Dieu, Élevons ensemble Une Prière de Gratitude,

Merci pour la vie retrouvée,

Merci pour l’éveil,

Pardon … Tant de douleurs endurées pour sauver nos âmes perdues !

Cent ans déjà …

Comme un souffle sur les ailes gracieuses des papillons,

Apparu pour notre ravissement,

Disparu trop tôt, Ultime Libération de l’emprise de ces chaînes terrestres,

Cent ans … Un moment sur Terre,

Astre Brillant qui toujours veille sur nous,

Les reflets ondoyants sur l’eau rougeoyante nous murmurent inlassablement Votre Message,

Cent ans en un instant,

Gloire à Dieu pour Ce Cadeau fait aux hommes le 1er Juin 1909 lorsque Notre Prophète Bien-Aimé naquit sur cette Terre,

Éternellement présent dans nos cœurs, dans nos âmes,

Astre Brillant dissipant les ténèbres de ce monde,

A l’unisson, élevons en ce 1er Juin 2009 Une Prière de profond remerciement,

Espérant toujours être dignes de Ce cadeau Divin fait à l’humanité,

Cent ans déjà et pour l'Éternité …

Make sure you visit Daheshville!

April 9, 2009: "Are you still there?"
By Sandrine Altchoukian
(Accompanied on Flute by Astrid Altchoukian)